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Downtime :(

Writer: Scott BroadbentScott Broadbent

So, injured again...

I am really regretting not looking after my body when I was younger. I seem to paying for it all now!

I am 51, not too old, but not too young either. I really think this is the age where things start catching up with you.

This time it's my feet, my extremely flat feet, and my poor effort in keeping my orthotics up to date. No, they don't last 12 years apparently. Several weeks back they just decided they won't take my weight anymore, I will admit it is a fair amount of weight, so fair enough I suppose.

Weekly podiatrists trips, MRI's and Ultra Sounds, rest and recovery. I should be back to it soon. I was hoping to be back in this week, but another few days I think.

Let's take a snapshot of this year... Firstly a workshop move again (for the last time hopefully!)

Feb to May, the lowest monthly sales on record. Consequently losing my employees. Machine breakdowns, electrical issues, car breakdowns, and no money tops it off all nicely :(

Mid May, hospital for a week getting a new hip fitted. Slow recovery.

June, big road trip for deliveries, and was hoping to catch a small break after, but ended up getting flooded in and stuck in central Australia.

July, I got some work done!

August, and that's where the feet issue started.

My year so far in a nutshell. Well almost, I won't go into the plethora of mental health issues I deal with daily.

I have gone back on a waiting list for a psychiatrist, but with a 3 - 5 year wait list, I'm not holding my breath!

Anyway, still plodding along, still getting the orders out slowly but surely. It's getting busy now so lets hope that's a good sign.

Stay shiny people, I'm trying :)



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